Feb 4, 2012

Sunday at Home in Stockholm

I just came home from a great wedding feast! A perfect mix Chaldean/Swedish style. I had the priviledge of performing the wedding between Josef Rafail and Linnéa Hagenfors on Friday night at the Södertörn Church. Afterwards we went to a large festive hall in Fittja and I'm telling you, it was a party; dance for hours and food from the Middle East... Lovely! I enjoyed myself like a king! It's soon 2:30 am now...
On Sunday I preach at home here in Stockholm again, both at 12 noon and 4 pm. At noon Walter Zuniga will teach us how to dance bachata... But only at the noon celebration... Come at 12 noon! Especially families with kids; try to prioritize the noon service, your kids need a real kids celebration and not just baby sitting... I am longing to preach at home again! Oh, I can't wait to see the entire church again!

See ya soon!