Feb 1, 2012

A Cool Business Man

He calls me now and then. We meet 4-5 times a yer. He lives in another country. We are not just good friends, but 'partners'. He is a covenant friend and brother, I hope you understand what I mean. We need each other to be able to fulfill our different tasks and callings, assigned by heaven. We respect each other. We don't manipulate but speak straight from the heart. We are straight, totally honest and sincere.

He visited me in Stockholm awhile ago. We ate good, read the Bible together and prayed. He asked to have different investment possibilities presented to him. I presented 6 differnt projects.

I am his intercessor and priest and he is my mission-partner. We enjoy hanging out. He serves me, supports and help me, and I do the same for him.

He is king in his field. A very skilled business man with a very special and God-given ability to aquire riches. He releases funds for the Kingdom of God, but also creates job-opportunities for soo many people in society. He is building the Kingdom of God in a practical and concrete way. He has an Apostolic calling as a business man and I have the same calling as a missionary and church-builder. Our ministries are combined. We need to humble ourselves before one another. I need him, he needs me.

He went home. He prayed. A month later he wired an enormous gift to SOS account. Nothing more to it. He doesn't want anyone to know, that's why I am not telling you who it is. He did this before God. He did this because the Holy Spirit asked him to. He obeyed his God. He carried out his calling. He is happy. He'll receive his reward from heaven. He is walking in the goodness of God.

I have several partners like this, men of God who are strong, uncompromising leaders. You don't see our hear them. They are not on our platform in the headlights. They are lovely to be with. I am rich. Not neccesarily talking dollars and cents now. I am rich beacuse I have real covenant-partners. I am rich because I have real friends. Some give millions into SOS otheres hundreds, but all are obeying God and are standing together with me in the vision for the unreached and the fulfillment of the Great Comission!

My friend enjoys giving just as much as I enjoy leading thousands of people to salvation in our festivals around the world. When I preach healing and blind eyes and deaf ears are opened and people coming our of wheel chairs in the name of Jesus I am like a fish in the water! I love when the Holy Spirit falls upon thousands of hungry people and they are baptized in fire and start speaking in tongues. I am carrying out my calling. I plant and build churches. I enjoy being lead by the Spirit. My friends; the business men, enjoy being able to make a difference, to give and release missions in the End Times. They are obeying thier calling.

My friend is following God. I am following God. He is true to his calling and I to mine. That's just the way it is... There's nothing more to it. I love you my brother :)!

He is a cool business man!

See ya!