Sep 29, 2011

The Angels Serve!

Praying and meditating on the Bible here in my kitchen in a beautiful fall-colored Tullinge. When Jesus had fasted for 40 days and won victory over all the devil’s temptations, the angels came to serve him. We read;

Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him.
Matt 4:11

Our SOS pastors, missionaries, house church leaders and some of our church members have soon fasted and sought God for 40 days (Aug 29 – Oct 7). It has been a battle. Sin is exposed, we are consectrated, tested, shaked up and cleansed. We are mangled and reconsider our lives and priorities. The dead branches of the tree are cut off and the healthy branches pruned so they can bear more fruit (John 15).

The Angels will soon come forth in the desert to serve and attend to hungry prayer warriors! When we have served God and the people, there are 12 baskets overflowing with bread and fish waiting for us! God’s own overflow! Overflow in the middle of the desert!

They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over
Matt 14:20

I fly to the US tomorrow to preach in Gettysburg this weekend. Will seek God in my hotel room between the services! Yes :)!

My faithful little brother, Walter Zuniga, is preaching at home in SOS Church this Sunday. He is family and he carries the church closest to his heart.

Next week it is! Leadership Day Saturday October 8th and Super Sunday at the lecture hall Magna at the University of Stockholm the 9th. Pastor Wilfred Lai from Mombasa, Kenya will be there! We end our fast. The angels will serve! We will be made full by Jesus right here in Stockholm! Miracles and overflow awaits!

See ya!

Sep 27, 2011

Think; the City, not Just 'the Little Church!'

We are priests in the city! We are a church in the midst of society! We impact all worlds! We are everywhere! The church is a depot and a storehouse for Stockholm. SOS is not a cozy, isolated club for introverts and cowardly religious people. On the contrary!

Our Youth Ministry helps teenagers in Stockholm whose parents don't yet go to church. We counteract and prevent violence, drugs, crime, vandalism, suicide, eating dissorders and recruitment to different gangs. SOS Youth is now starting a collaboration with the social services and will be contact persons for youths in trouble. They have a youth club/café every Friday night and also walk the streets in the city as youth-priests. In time SOS Youth will become even more active and will be seen and heard in our toughest hoods. SOS Youth want to help pregnant teenage girls and also offer youths creative alternatives for graffitti scribbling! SOS don't see any 'cases', but talented young people with lots of energy that need something to do and get an outlet for their passions!

SOS Church is cooperationg with the non-custodial treatment center, we are probation officers, family homes for kids in need and former criminals that come directly from jail! We will soon start our own rehab center and refugee home. We provide jobs for people, create employment by several new businessess etc etc. We have several schools, help the homeless and refugees! We believe in integration  and hate rasism and xenophobia. Missions and disaster relief are obvious for SOS. Evangelism, training disciples and having people stay at your house is our life style and self-evident for us! We want to copperate with the Police, politicians and people of power for a better and more secure city where crime and divorce statistics are declining!

We are moving forward! We are advancing! We refuse to believe that it's hopeless! The love, forgiveness and victory of Jesus builds a better Stockholm!

See ya!

Sep 25, 2011

Celebrate Communion

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 
Acts 2:42

The first Christian church didn't have any 'waiting-in-line' to have communion, any altar rails or falling on your knees... No beautiful calix or wafers with a cross on... The first Christians celebrated communion as part of their supper or a part of the Sabbath meal at home... We read;

They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts...
Acts 2:46b 

The fact is that it seems like communion never was a part of a larger service or gathering according to the Book of Acts' description of the first church. At one occation though, the apostle Paul seems to combine serving communion while teaching in a larger setting in the city of Troas. We read;

On the first day of the week we came together to break bread. Paul spoke to the people and, because he intended to leave the next day, kept on talking until midnight.
Acts 20:7

This is why we never celebrate communion at our Sunday celebrations at SOS Church, but rather in our house churches and sometimes during our prayer nights...

Communion, the breaking of bread or love-feast; all different names for something very important and something strong in the life of the church. Communion should be celebrated with the family around the kitchen table, or together with friends on the patio or living room couch. The place for communion is at home in the house, the apartment and after supper...

Read these texts in the New Testament like; Matt 26:26-29 or 1 Cor 11:23-31 and confess sins to one another and ask for forgiveness. Pray and bless the bread and the grape juice and pass the plate and cup around the circle of people... Light candles and worship! Celebrate the death and resurrection and victory of Jesus!

Commnunion creates a safe atmosphere in a home. God protects, heals sicknessess, heals wounds of the soul and creates unity and togetherness through communion.

Don't forget to celebrate communion!

See ya!

Sep 23, 2011

At Home this Weekend!

I had to cancel my trip to Norway this weekend... I am needed at home right now due to many different reasons. After all, I am the dad of SOS first and I have to be responsible in that role... Love SOS Church Stockholm! I'll see you this weekend! I will be at SOS Youth tonight, want to meet our teenagers and support the best Youth Pastors in the World :)!

Tomorrow we have All Nations Café, theme: Gypsy Night, it starts at 7 pm. It will be a great party! I really mean PARTY! Welcome!
Preaching at home on Sunday - yes! It was such a long time ago. I am longing to wash the feet of all the lovely people that will visit us at our Sunday celebration at 4 pm. I have a Word from heaven! A Word from God's heart to you! I will read a love letter from Jesus directed to you! See you this weekend! Your own dad and intercessor.

See ya soon!

Sep 20, 2011

Date with My Best Friend!

I have just had such a great 24 hours with my best friend - Maria Amritzer :)! We went to the movies at Hötorget right downtown Stockholm and saw 'Colombiana'; a different story about a young latina's revenge on her parent's murderers... Moral was not good, but the pictures of Colombia were beautiful...

We walked to the Rica Hotel on Nygatan in the Old City. Nina Anderson surprised us and treated us with a hotel night, flowers and a card in the room! Thank you dear Nina for watching our kids and treating us with everyday luxury!

Old City in Stockholm...

Today we actually shopped for clothes, new winter coats and jeans! We bought some yellow chanterelles at Hötorget and are on the Metro on our way home to make chanterelle soup for the family... Adam has karate tonight and we have prayer with the pastoral team... I love being a pastor in the most beautiful capital city of Europe! The hight clear air of Stockholm is lovely!

See ya!

Sep 17, 2011

Heroes Awake and Arise!

We are in the middle of our fast; SOS is fasting from August 29th to October 7th. Last night we had a prayer night at SOS Church with more than 80 people crying out to God!

I am visiting the Bethany Church in Kristiansand, southern Norway and our Youth Pastor, Jonatan Kvist, and our Dean for our Bible Schools, Daniel Elvelyck is visiting Arendal here in Norway with a team of 18 teenagers from SOS Church preaching at Harvest Cry there. People are being saved and baptized in the Holy Spirit :)! We are moving forward :)!

I hear the Holy Spirit speak;

Proclaim this among the nations: 
   Prepare for war! 
Rouse the warriors! 
   Let all the fighting men draw near and attack. 
Joel 3:9

The Spirit of God is waking up heroes and warriors to holy battle! They are aggressively moving forward to conquer Stockholm and the unreached people groups! God is calling upon a young army!

Your troops will be willing 
   on your day of battle. 
Arrayed in holy splendor, 
   your young men will come to you...
Ps 110:3a

They are coming willingly! They are running! They are coming from all nations and peoples! They are coming to build SOS in Stockholm and take Jesus to the nations!

See ya!

Sep 14, 2011

Prayer Night!

In the middle of SOS' 40 day fast (August 29 - October 7) it will be so wonderful to pray and cry out to God together during a prayer night! SOS Church is having a night of prayer this Friday (September 16). We start at 10pm and end at 2am. We will start off with strong, focused and sincere worship and then clear up the spirit world of Stockholm! We do warfare, unite in prayer, bind, loose, give birth, cry, listen and win victory together! The church is built when we pray! The Kingdom of God advance and go forth when we pray! Sweaty wild spiritual warfare and groans will alternate vision prayer where we both see and hear from heaven!

Super Sunday Promo from Mission SOS on Vimeo.

Welcome to the first prayer night of this fall at Warfvinges väg 26, Stadshagen, Kungsholmen!

See ya!

Sep 13, 2011

An Extremely Non-Religious Man

I read a blog post recently written by a faithful member of SOS Church Stockholm. I thought it was soo well written that I simply have to re-post it here. Written by Jens Charlieson; enjoy!

An Extremely Non-Religious Man

I am not your typical religious man. As a child, I was not baptized by a priest. As a teenager, I was not confirmed in church. I was not fascinated by the old myths and legends as I read the Da Vince Code. That is just not who I am. My personality and faith do not seem to match. I should not like church. I should not believe in a higher power. I simply have to few of these old romantic veins running through my body.

Never have I been amazed by the majesty of old stone churches as I have stood within them. I have never sought out one to find peace for prayer. I would never kiss an old relic that is said to have belonged to some person from of old. I have never kneelt before a crucifix or an icon image. I have never enjoyed sitting listening to a man in strange clothing that wraps his words in sentences that can be interpreted to mean whatever one wishes.

I hope and believe that I one day will be able to travel to Mecca, but not to walk around a stone. Sure, I give alms to the poor, but not to appease a god whose mood remains a riddle. I can sit quiet for hours at a time but have never understood why sitting with legs crossed would generate perks when searching for a higher power. I believe in doing good and caring for our fellow human beings, but I much rather care for them for their own sake than trying to accumulate plus point with a god.

Religious rituals. Religious buildings. Religious relics. When everything has been degraded to an adoration of majestic buildings and art that once was beautiful, then the entire world has gathered around a duck pond, making little or no difference. It simply is beautiful to the eye of the admirer and awful to the eye of the critic.

An extremely non-religious man is writing these words. I have never understood how an organ is holier than an electrical guitar or why a punk should feel like he is not a part of the church. I probably am very, very bad at being religious. Yet, every week I find my feet walking into church again.

It was nine years ago that I for the first time in my life saw a man in a wheel chair stand up and walk. I was not sure how to process what my eyes were seeing. In what compartment should I place these thoughts? A few days later I was a thousand miles away and found myself crying like a baby. I was still trying to place my thoughts in the right compartment. They did not fit in the church compartment; there were many thoughts here, but none were about lame men walking. They did not fit with anything that I so far had experienced. They only fit with places that I had read about. That is where I placed them; together with everything else that I had read.

As I cried like a baby, I decided to never dance with the ducks in the pond. Shortly thereafter I saw a deaf ear opened. Then a blind saw. Then tumors disappeared. And it continued in like manner. The compartment with thoughts about what I had read began to be filled with thoughts of what I had experienced and soon these new thoughts formed a picture of the life I wanted to live.

The Da Vince Code was an exciting book. Robert Langdon and Sophie Neveu swam around in a duck pond of ancient stories and myths void of history. They swam among majestic buildings, among relics that may have been the property of some man from of old. They hunted down crucifixes and icon images at the bottom of the pond and they never seemed to find anything in the mud and mire.

I am part of building a church in downtown Stockholm. You know, one where the punk feels at home. You know, I have never seen either an organ or an electrical guitar heal a man.  I have never seen a majestic building set a drugged teenager free from the addiction.

I believe in a God beyond all religion. Beyond relics. And there, beyond all such things, He pulls people out of wheel chairs like never before. We are building a church in Stockholm for those that usually do not go to church. For those who, like me, are the non-religious types. We walk the thin line between two worlds. We are an ugly duckling in a pond of religion and atheism.

Jens Charlieson

Sep 12, 2011

Happy Days!

SOS Church was packed out yesterday again! Julia, Sanna, Jenny and Ina rocked the worship and the basement moved in beat to our electric guitarr based worship band... Daniel was such a great emcee and our own Latino pastor, Walter "stand up" preached, prophecied and about 10 stockholmers wanted to pray a salvation prayer... We baptized 4 people for starters and later on a fifth person gave in to the pressure on the inside and was baptized - so lovely to live the Book of Acts right here in Stockholm! Happiness!

Our Alicia...

My daughter Alicia is twelwe today! Congrats girl! She was so happy for her new riding boots, Converse shoes, purple calculator etc... The entire family danced to her new loudspeakers in her room before she had to run to catch the train! This will be a great birthday!

Might go the gym as well... Trying to relax and rest a little... It's my day off, first one in a long time!

Happy days!

Sep 10, 2011

The Unbribable

We read about Melchizedek, the king of Salem that;

He was priest of God Most High...
Genesis 14:18b

A priest that would not worship idols, follow spirits or was in alliance with fortune tellers. A priest that could not be bribed or manipulated by chiefs or people. He was God's own messenger and truth-teller, he was as solid as granite and without compromise. Melchizedek walked with God and high chiefs and kings would provide for him and gave his family 10% of all their income.

Then Abram gave him a tenth of everything.
Genesis 14:20b

Melchizedek was the priest that would serve communion to kings, prophecy and serve them with his prayers (Genesis 14:18-20)...

Priest in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. Priest for the stockholmers, not neccesarily the church people. Priest for all, high and low, a fearless prophet and dad for those mostly mistreated. The spokesperson for the poor and needy, the defense attorney for the innocent and advisor for those in power. Priest for the refugees, businessmen and authors. Priest for the people at the Opera and the most trendy dance clubs. Priest for celebrities, politicians and soldiers... A priest for those who don't yet go to church.

Thank you God that you called us to Stockholm city! Thank you for SOS Church Stockholm!

See ya!

Sep 8, 2011

Pierced Ear!

We read in Exodus about how the Hebrew slaves were to be treated according to the law. The Hebrew slaves were more like servants. When a slave/servant had served his master for 6 years he was to be set free without a fee. But then it says;

But if the servant declares, ‘I love my master and my wife and children and do not want to go free,’ then his master must take him before the judges. He shall take him to the door or the doorpost and pierce his ear with an awl. Then he will be his servant for life.
Exodus 21:5-6

We are all free in SOS. We generously free people, send and export quality leaders all the time! But our leaders will often say just like the Scripture above...

They'll say; "I love this life and this family! I love the spiritual children, the adventure and my spiritual parents so much! I want to stay! I want to share life with you!" And so the ear is pierced, so to speak, and we stand together for life! SOS have many leaders with a hole in their ear. The hole symbolises love, togetherness, loyalty and devotedness. We have pierced our ear with the pricker and given ourselves to each other. We are not rootless or passing through, but faithful SOS people! We are priests for those who don't go to church and missionaries until the last people group has heard about Jesus!

Many are jealous of our unity and cohesiveness and love to slander it. What everyone really wants is to be a part of a strong church, but has a hard time giving their heart to it. Maybe it's the people that really dare give themselves wholeheartedly to their spiritual context that experience true friendship and care. What if the reason for people's allienation is their own fear and a disguise for a seductive "freedom" that only results in more loneliness? An attitude that says; "I want to keep my options open" might be our generation's biggest curse?!

See ya!

Sep 7, 2011

Wilfred Lai to Stockholm

I'm back in my dear Stockholm again... Leading prayer, teaching "Ever Increasing Faith" at SOS Mission Bible College and Leadership School. Having life-coaching counselings, briefings with my staff and a lot of prayer... We are right now in a 40 day fast. Exciting! We are giving birth to a lot of new stuff when we pray...

My son Adam turned 10 yesterday and got his so longed for barbed agama (lizzard) from Australia! Congratulations my son!

The Apostle and man of God from east Africa, Wilfred Lai, will soon come to Stockholm! All the way from tropical Mombasa at the coast of Kenya to cold fall Sweden!

Dr Wilfred Lai...

Wilfred leads the Apostolic and so powerful Jesus Celebration Center that have started more than 1000 daughter churches in East Africa! We will have an open Leadership Day Saturday October 8th at SOS Church and Super Sunday October 9th at Aula Magna at the University of Stockholm at 4 pm. We are praying and standing in faith for a miracle explosion that Sunday! Our 40 day fast ends Friday October 7th :). Exciting to live and build church in Stockholm!

See ya!

Sep 5, 2011

Pittsburgh, USA...

I've just preached three services at my best friends Jeff and Melodie Leake's church; Allison Park Church in Pittsburgh PA. Many have been saved and called into direct ministry in the Kingdom of God. Jesus' own Great Comission attracts, challenges and changes people. We are planning new church plants and festivals together in Europe, the US and in Africa... Apostolic leaders work so smoothly and naturally together. I am enjoying the company as well :)...

Fasting, preaching, planning missions projects and working out...

I'm flying home tomorrow, just stopped by here over the weekend...

See ya!

Sep 2, 2011

Get Over It!

SOS is fasting for 40 days, August 29th - October 7th. Why don't you join us a few days as well?! Sin is exposed, we are consecrated, and strong miracles occur when we seek holiness! We believe in a big God! He is good and faithful, never whimsical! The angels will serve us when we have fasted, stood against satan's temptations and won victory (Matt 4:11). When we have served God and the people there will be 12 baskets waiting for us, in the middle of the desert (Matt 14:20)! Fish and bread in abundance - Jesus' own overflow! 12 baskets in every area of life!

We are praying for miracles!

a) Miracle festivals with Colleseum-large crowds!
b) Power-miracles, yes even that the dead will rise and come to life again!
c) An overflow when it comes to finances in SOS!
d) Larger facilities in Stockholm city for our mother church!
e) Marriages that will be restored and healed!
f) New businessess to be started and many unemployed to reaceive miracle-jobs in SOS Church!
g) For our mission bases to become self-sufficient!

During this fast I'm thinking of a little phrase; "Get over it!"

So great! So simple! Kinda like an approach to life...

- If you've been disappointed, insulted or used; get over it!
- If you've been slandered, or if gossip has ruined your reputation; get over it!
- If a co-worker or friend stepped on your toes a little bit; get over it!
- If your car was marked or you got a huge stain on your wall-paper; get over it!
- If you dropped your new IPhone in the toilet, or spilled coffee on your new IPad; get over it!

Life goes on! Shake off the disappointments of yesterday! The future belongs to you! Life ia actually great! God has new surpises, victories and breakthroughs for you!

Get over yesterday! Get over it guys! :)

See ya!