Sep 25, 2011

Celebrate Communion

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 
Acts 2:42

The first Christian church didn't have any 'waiting-in-line' to have communion, any altar rails or falling on your knees... No beautiful calix or wafers with a cross on... The first Christians celebrated communion as part of their supper or a part of the Sabbath meal at home... We read;

They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts...
Acts 2:46b 

The fact is that it seems like communion never was a part of a larger service or gathering according to the Book of Acts' description of the first church. At one occation though, the apostle Paul seems to combine serving communion while teaching in a larger setting in the city of Troas. We read;

On the first day of the week we came together to break bread. Paul spoke to the people and, because he intended to leave the next day, kept on talking until midnight.
Acts 20:7

This is why we never celebrate communion at our Sunday celebrations at SOS Church, but rather in our house churches and sometimes during our prayer nights...

Communion, the breaking of bread or love-feast; all different names for something very important and something strong in the life of the church. Communion should be celebrated with the family around the kitchen table, or together with friends on the patio or living room couch. The place for communion is at home in the house, the apartment and after supper...

Read these texts in the New Testament like; Matt 26:26-29 or 1 Cor 11:23-31 and confess sins to one another and ask for forgiveness. Pray and bless the bread and the grape juice and pass the plate and cup around the circle of people... Light candles and worship! Celebrate the death and resurrection and victory of Jesus!

Commnunion creates a safe atmosphere in a home. God protects, heals sicknessess, heals wounds of the soul and creates unity and togetherness through communion.

Don't forget to celebrate communion!

See ya!