Jun 4, 2011

Waiting for Surgery

Battling with pain that I'm unable to spell out and have never felt before... Reading magazines about motorcycles, history, training, fighting, adventures and missions... Every time I try to read some "heavier" litterature or work seriously on my computer and really use my brain I fall asleep :)... I can watch a movie for about 30 minutes... Very different for a person that's been hyper active for the past 20 years and never used heavy drugs (pain killers :).

Pain, a crushed knee, torn tendons and ligaments, future physical terapy, rehab, text messaging, Facebook, email, guests, attemps to play some chess - my head is spinning and so are my thoughts... Everything spins... Tired. It hurts... Bored. Restless. My head spins... Injections, pills and big glasses of water... Oh, how much a crushed knee hurts... Next week I am scheduled for the first of three surgerys this summer... Can't wait for the operation... Praying. Thankful for life! Heavenly Father, I need You!

In all this I love Maria more than ever - she is helping me with everything and the kids are so nice... I also love the church and all my friends more... What great compassion and true love you have shown! Thank you for your support!

See ya!