Mar 29, 2011

Your Work Place!

The church is everywhere! Jesus' disciples in Stockholm are salt and light all the way from Märsta in the north to Södertälje in the south... We are nurses, social workers, doctors, personal trainers, sales men, janitors, personal assistants, carpenters, hair dressers, business men, students, pre-school teachers, taxi and bus drivers...

Imagine this: you have a profession, or at least a job... You're lucky! God has given you collegues, an income and good health :)! Yet there are so many in the church that are disabled, have a work related injury, are unemployed or are refugees seeking asylum as well... Each one of these stand in faith for their health and a second chance and they suffer from not being able to take care of themselves... We pray that they will all have a chance of employment and a life where they wake up to an alarm clock beeping that they are needed.

A work place is truly a blessing! Thank God that you can provide for yourself and thank Him that He has placed you in your community! Pray for your employers or your employees! You make a difference! You shine! You are the hands, feet, eyes and ears of Jesus today! that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.” Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky...

Phil 2:15

See ya!