Mar 31, 2011

Great Dreams and Mega Plans

God is great and His creation enormous! Galaxies, solar systems and planets... All He does is magnificent...Don't have to say much more than the previous lines and you understand...

Dreaming God's dreams for a capital city like Stockholm doesn't fit in a garage or on a stamp... Let's dream big;

- SOS Refugee Home - a large refugee compound for both refugees with all their paperwork and also for those without documents, seeking asylum...

- SOS Rehab - a rehabilitation center for drug addicts and alcoholics...

- SOS Girls Home - a home for girls rescued from traficking, sex slavery and the sex industry...

- SOS Creation Festival - a large youth festival with focus on creativity...

- SOS Church Arena - an auditorium with at least 3,000 seats, large platform, sound and light..

God, give us Stockhom! God, give us the Stockholmers! This is our prayer!

See ya!