Mar 26, 2011

To Say the Truth ...

Apostle Paul said:

Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth?

Gal 4:16

Being a priest, pastor or missionary and represent the Bible and the Kingdom of God can be tough at times, but in the long run it is always totally wonderful!

Being an ambassador for the Kingdom of God sometimes involves speaking truths and just doing one’s job. Daring to choose the Bible truths above friendship and bonds between relatives is tough but totally necessary. Lies do not help anyone but the truth liberates.

Here are some truths that hurt:

- You are not informing me about people’s weaknesses and their past but simply gossiping!
- You should not move in with your boyfriend before you are actually married! Sex belongs within the marriage!
- You should not cheat on your tax return simply because you do not get caught!
- You should not try to run your own business after running three businesses to bankruptcy and with that left a long trail of large debt! Take a normal employment and stop being a parasite, living off others. You just don’t make the cut, realize your own limit!
- You should not run your own race; instead be in agreement with your wife! Listen to her – walk together in harmony!
- Your car is truly an idol since you cannot stand scratches, stained seats and you yell like a maniac when the kids have made a mess with ice cream and caramel topping!
- You are close-fisted and not thrifty when you never pick up the tab in your friendship gang; instead you always allow others to pay for you! Stop taking advantage of your friends!
- You never want to take responsibility for the weak and you neglect your Christian love duty when you believe that you have both freedom and a right to drink beer and wine whenever you feel like it just because you think you are strong!
- When you do not allow your daughter to marry a man from another culture and / or with another color of skin than your own, you are a racist!
- A sin is no less a sin simply because you call it “your problem” – confess and be free!

Jesus said:

… you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

Joh 8:32

See ya!