Jan 9, 2010

Reflections in Hammerfest

I'm sitting at Thon Hotel at Hammerfest's harbour at the very northern tip of Scandinavia... Northern Norway is beautiful even in the dark winter and everything is somehow shining anyway because there's sooo much snow... Hammerfest is an old fishing village that nowadays live on gas and oil, directly from the ocean... Norway's riches; fish, oil and gas - it's really fantastic how such a small country way up at the Arctic Circle have become one of the richest countries in the world just by using its natural resources! Everything was there all the time and just needed to be discovered, reclaimed and exported! Yes... Last night the Arctic Church was full and several were saved - hallelujah! Pastor Birger is a good host and I am really enjoying this weekend :).

Back to Norway and its natural resources and long hidden treasures at sea... You are like Norway! Everything is already in you. As a disciple to Jesus you are rich - God has placed raw material in you, stock and enormous riches, and also the Holy Spirit, God Himself! 2010 is the year for you to both discover who you are in God and become rich! Norway is a blessing for many other countries today. When you start to reclaim and "export" everything that God has given you, you too will be a blessing to the nations! Norway needed a change of life style, or a total change of society almost to be able to use its resources. Fishermen and farmers became scientists, oil platform builders and global businessmen!

Maybe you need a radical change of life style as well. Change your life style now! Become who you are created, meant to be and really want to be!

- Fellowship more with God through Bible reading and spend more time in the wonderful prayer!
- Spend less time with Christians and more time with non-believers and new disciples to Jesus!
- Don't attend every "Christian" birthday party, weddings and cozy dinners you are invited to!
- Don't hide behind, or in "churchy activities" like different practices, gatherings with just Christians!
- Play soccer with you collegues, take a class like hunting examination, salsa dance or motor cycle license for example!
- Go on mission trips - festivals among the unreached peoples and see a lot of signs and wonders!
- Become a peer supporter or support family!
- Baptize, lay hands on new believers to baptism in the Holy Spirit and read the Bible for your non-Christian relatives!

Evangelism, being a fisher of men, and missions works sort of like prayer... You feel great when you pray, when you don't pray, you feel lousy. Flesh will be crucified and radical life style changes will take place during 2010! Long live the fishing of men!

See ya!