I'm sitting at hotel Europa right across from the Filadelfia Church in Oslo, trying to sum up three very intense days on my little Norway tour so far... Flying all the way up north to Hammerfest tomorrow... I have taught Power Evangelism three days at the Filadelfia Church's bible school, for the 11th consequtive year... So wonderful classes of students (three different classes, one brand new international class this year) and what a time we have had! At the last session today about 10 students and guests were baptized in Holy Spirit and fire and starting speaking in tongues right away! We prayed, worshipped and flowed in the gifts of the Spirit, teachers, students together for almost an hour... I was also given the opportunity to speak and inspire about prayer at a prayer meeting here at the Filadelfia Church (Tuesday night) and I've spent a lot of time with my good friend Daniel Egeli and his wonderful family - his kids are sooo much fun and lovely... Many new friendships have been made during this time and we'll probably have a youth conference here pretty soon...
Oslo by night...
I've also had my great childrens pastor, Andreas Jensen, with me here and we have worked out and also had time to watch the old classic Forrest Gump at the hotel room's pay channel together. Andreas is super talented and has wild visions of expansion for SOS Kidz future - we are so happy to have him in our leadership team! Last night Pastor Daniel and I saw Avatar, wearing the great 3D glasses - a late night at the movies at its best! Really funny movie by the way!
See ya!