I wake up early pray between 5 and 7 AM... The minarets of Harar cries. Ishmael is longing for the living water - quench my thirst, he prays... Cracked Muslim lips and a dry throat need fresh Jesus-water now! I am so glad and thankful that we finally have a Bible School here at the Muslim front that train pioneer missionaries! 11 students! We'll soon send church planting teams from Harar north towards the Afar land and east towards Somali territory... We just have to have some classes graduate first. But we will soon answer the SOS signals from the unreached peoples of the desert. Afar, we'll soon come! Somali, we'll come! Hang in there! SOS is on its way to you! We came to Ethiopia because of you and we will not give up until the mission is completed!
Afar woman...
Somali woman... We start a three day mini-festival here in Harar Church of Joy tomorrow! Pray for us!
See ya!