Sep 26, 2009

Harar Church of Joy

Harar Church of Joy (SOS' church in Harar) was filled to the breaking-point last night! 220 people inside the building and 30 standing outside. Altogether 250 people, no exaggeration - every head was carefully counted... The record before was 130 people, so we advanced greatly last night and the church was rejoicing! About 15 people responded to the salvation invitation and one deaf ear was opened, eyes, knees and hips were healed! Everyone was dancing like crazy in pure joy at the end of the service - Ethiopia at its best... The church was launched in September 2008 and have since then baptized 76 people! It looks like its about to take off to a new level now, starting this week!

Street life a regular day in Harar...

The level of expectation is very high now for the continuation, Saturday and Sunday. What will the Holy Spirit do? I am personally sooo proud of our young Pastor and Field Director, Samuel Strandberg (25 years old), and now married to Gabby it will be twice as good!

Our 11 Ethiopian Bible School students prayed with people to salvation and healing last night - so wonderful!

See ya!