Preaching in Finland again... I've travelled pretty much in our neighboring country in the east the last five years... My love just grows... The Finish people are humble, simple and down to earth in a nice way...
I have an intense schedule here in Seinäjoki with Pastor Martti... Preaching seven times in four days and the prayer time usually lasts two hours nonstop... Everyone is so hungry... About 20 were saved last night, 10 were baptized in the Holy Spirit and several healed through words of knowledge - hallelujah! On Wednesday about 15 were saved... It's adding up... I never grow tired of the full gospel...
They are really taking care of me here, I'm staying at a 5 star hotel, eating like a king at fine restaurants. Well, my Finish hosts are certainly not chinchy, I'll say that. Thank you Jesus!
There will be more Finland if I get to choose..
See ya!