Yesterday, after the kids last day of school our family started an intense summer tour. We start in Ohio, USA, with close and wonderful friends; the David and Kathie Thomas family... We're staying at their Lakehouse - a wonderful place right by the lake - so beautiful and peaceful...
Victory Christian Center is a greaty church with more than 3000 strong members, but they have, at the same time succeeded to create an atmosphere that breathes closeness, love and warmth. The summer will be incredible and we'll continue on to Norway, Finland, Bulgaria and Austria...
Hey?! Why don't you and your family, relatives or a friend join me, Göran Duveskog and Daniel Viklund on a trip to Israel October 29th - November 7th this fall?! We've had unforgettable pilgrimage trips to Israel the last years... The Bible really starts to live in your life when you are in Isreal.
See ya!