Jun 11, 2009

Planning meeting and Tanzania!

I just had breakfast at Arlanda Airport enjoying a Metro newspaper that I picked up on the commuter train... The Brie and salami hoagie tates exceptional. Last night we had a great planning meeting for this fall. Both the pastor team and the staff team met at our house, the last ones to leave, Gustafssons, left at 0145am :) Great leaders and our best friends!

I will give you on going reports here on my blog from my intensive itinerate summer, traveling from one campaign to the next conference. It all begins with three weeks in the US... After that I will be visiting Norway, Finland, Bulgaria, and Austria as well. Everything is about bringing as many people with me to heaven as possible and to engage more in the Great Commission!
Now I am praying for Tanzania... Helo me to pray for these peoples... They need to hear the life changing Gospel of Jesus!

Kabwa People

Population in Tanzania: 9,200
Language: Kabwa
Religion: Animists

There are no known Christians among this people.

Wanji People

Population: 31,000
Language: Wanji
Religion: Animists

There are no known born again Christians among this people.