Mar 11, 2010

The Holy Trinity Church

Yes. As you understand from the title I will visit a Catholic church tonight... I just arrived to Lyon, France and will preach at a healing service in just a little while... People hungry for miracles are already in line and the anticipation is high... They have given me total freedom to preach whatever I want and follow the Holy Spirit. They've actually asked me to make a radical salvation invitation and I have to pray for the sick :)!

Exciting! A totally new context for me - hopefully new open doors ;). We'll see after mass... I am full of expentancy and VERY excited... I have received a word from heaven and only want to follow and obey Jesus now... Pray for me...

About 5 hours later... Prayed for miracle hungry Frenchmen until 11:45 PM... About 40 precious Lyon citizens responded to the salvation invitation and was hugged by Jesus tonight! Many testifyed of physical miracles, a deaf ear was opened and bad hearing became perfect etc etc - hallelujah for a long sweaty healing service in a Catholic cathedral that was more charismatic and more wild than most Pentecostal churches in Sweden ;). Exciting!

See ya soon again!