Beautiful Delémont...
Travelled by car last night from Lyon to Lausanne in Switzerland. Slept in a wonderful guest apartment and then went on by train through this magnificent land to Delémont in the morning... Had a polite conversation with a lady almost the entire way - everyone speaks to everyone here and I am enoying being almost at home ;). Preached at Jura Gospel Center tonight and a little more than 10 responded to the salvation invitation and several were healed. Wonderful people here in this little alp town with about 12,000 inhabitants. I go back and forth between English and German all the time here - Delémont is only about 6 miles from the German speaking part of Switzerland. I am preaching in English and interpreted to French otherwise... I am in the middle of the "clock-belt"...
I am spending the night at a family that sell bridal dresses, and I am actually spleeping in the store, surrounded by bridal dresses - "angels" are watching over me tonight :). Tomorrow I'll travel to Oron la Ville to have Bible studies and a healing service in the evening at a healing conference... Thank You Jesus that I get to enjoy life in Switzerland this weekend!
See ya soon!
See ya soon!