Sep 13, 2014

The Hidden Man of the Heart

I'm staying at the guest house of faithful partners and covenant friends in the north hills of Pittsburgh... Pastor Jeff Leake and I have stood by each others side, supporting each other in ministry for King Jesus for 11 years... We run Bible schools together on several continents, Pastors networks, plant churches and do mission trips among unreached people groups... Thank you Jesus!

Right now I am working on a Bible study on "The Hidden Man of the Heart" (1 Peter 3:4).

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.
2 Cor 4:16

The heart's inner man. The hero. The real you and me - the inner man, that the Apostle Paul calls him.

Our body is really just a tent or shell. We are pilgrims on this earth on our way to something better. We are travelling through (Phil 1:23-24). The Trinity God of the Bible is a Spirit and we are created to His image (Gen 1:26-27, John 4:24). The human being is a spirit, who has a soul and live in a body (1 Thess 5:23). Isn't it remarkable how focused we are on taking care of our body and soul, but always neglect our spirit. Most people live for a perfect body and a sound and balanced soul, but forget the most important part - the spirit, the real you... No wonder so many people are ill. You are more than just brain/mind and body. You are a spirit!

You (the spirit) need to worship and praise God in true and pure intimacy. You (spirit) need to eat God's own Word every day to be built up and to have the strength for the "commission" and journey home. Your spirit wants to pray in tongues. Your spirit wants to battle. Your spirit wants to conquer all the people groups for King Jesus! Your spirit cries out; build me up and make me strong!

See ya!