Apr 26, 2014

Apostolic Protection

And God has placed in the church first of all apostles...
1 Cor 12:28a

I'm spending 5 days in Orlando, Florida, together with my mentor since many years, Pastor Ron Johnson... Ron is loving and tough. He has a huge fathers-heart and an aggressive faith. He is my Apostle. I let myself be adopted 13 years ago. Thank you dear God in heaven for the place of refuge you have given me at Ron and Sandy's...

It is so wonderful to submit to spiritual authority, be disciplined, sharpened, be reprimanded and give an account regularly. Apostolic Fatherhood and protection is so important. Thank you God for the spiritual laws! To submit wholeheartedly and really give yourself to a ministry gift that is stronger than yourself is true freedom and creates joy for life!

I am praying that all my blog-readers will understand the importance of mentorship and spiritual fatherhood. Praying that you all seek after this for your own lives if you don't already have done so...

Lord, continue to build SOS Church Stockholm to become an Apostolic center and a store house for all people! Holy Spirit help us!

See ya!