Mar 31, 2013

Barabbas and I...

The passion story is full of so many details. The Easter story with the message of blood, death and resurrection is the best and most told story in the world...

The story of when the murderer and rioter Barabbas is freed always stabs my heart. I wonder what he was thinking? He was free without punishment even though everyone knew he was guilty. Instead Jesus was tortured and killed... I have always wondered if maybe Jesus and Barabbas looked at, or spoke to each other in Pilate's courtyard? I've always wondered if Barabbas was at Calvary witnessing the crucifixion of Jesus? What was he thinking then? Was he crying? Did he become a disciple and a Christian? Jesus certainly gave him all the opportunities to receive forgiveness and salvation. I am Barabbas... You are Barabbas...

Then he released Barabbas to them. But he had Jesus flogged, and handed him over to be crucified.
Matt 27:26

Two criminals hung at the side of Jesus bleeding, both sentenced to death by crucifixion. Calvary became the place where where a humble robber's request of a thought becomes a free pass to paradise.

Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom." Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”
Luke 23:42-43

Just imagine how mocking and a hard heart resulted in eternal damnation for one of the criminals while the other's soft heart and pure, honest attitude turned into forgiveness and eternal life...

I want to be humble and live with Jesus forever - do you?!

Easter always leads to humility and reflection...

Jesus resurrects as Victor and we can follow, love, admire and serve...

See ya!