Sep 25, 2012

The Barbarian Rebellion

Following Jesus and living a radical life of discipleship started in Israel as a Messiah-movement among the Jews and the Samaritans... The Jesus-faith grew and after one generation it became a Barbarian rebellion against Rome.
The Barbarians were the people groups who did not speak either Greek or Latin. The Barbarians were the people that, according to Roman measurements, didn't have an education or were not yet civilized. Someone (read Rome) thought that the Barbarians were primitive, dumb and savages that had to be pressed down. Who were these Barbarians? In the north they were Germans, Celtics and the Scandinavians that later were called the Vikings.
The Barbarian sign...

The faith that started like a mustard seed and a Barbarian rebellion became Roman, civilized and institutionalized after about 300 years. The leaders started wearing long swaying coats, silly hats and became more and more focused on hierachys and titles. At last Rome swallowed the movement and Christianity became state religion.

The constant Barbarian rebellions lead to the fall of Rome and finally to the dissolution of the Roman Empire. I believe we need a Christian Barbarian rebellion in Europe! Why can't we, the Vikings, start?!

See ya!