Jun 28, 2012

Party this Weekend!

It seem like summer has finally reached Stockholm :). I am enjoying riding my Harley to work in the morning traffic. Real life-quality to ride in this beautiful weather while gazing out over the city. Stockholm is so beautiful in the summer!

Come and enjoy summer together with SOS Church this Saturday! We'll meet at 12 noon for a cook out in the Rålambshovs park, right by the large tree beside the restaurant. Bring your relatives, friends, neighbors, the dog, the cat :). Take out the steak and potatoes! Bring the lovely Persian food and the delicious Latino food! Bring the chips and the Coke! BBQ this Saturday my friends!
Party continues on Sunday too, we'll meet for two celebrations! I am preaching at 12 noon and 4 pm. We'll hear wonderful reports from the festival in Tanzania. You do not want to miss celebration this Sunday!

See ya!