Feb 23, 2012

Surgery No 2

I just had surgery on my knee again... They opened my right leg at four different places, made a new cruciate ligament of tendons from my shin and put everything in place in my knee... They have drilled, put in a plate and screw... I don't understand half of it ;), but I am so thankful to the soo professional surgeon Mr Superman... After some rest and 6 months of rehab I should be able to go skiing, run and play beach volleyball again :)! Thank you Jesus!

It's rough now though... A lot of complications after the operation... Fever, enlarged tonsils and one of the incisions ruptured and I bled a lot... Excruiating pain... I have to take a lot of pain killers. Maria and the kids are taking care of me... Alicia is so sweet :)! I am getting more help than I need... Thank you God for all the wonderful people in SOS as well, they are many! We (the Amritzer family) are rich to be surrounded by such a large, warm and loving family.

I am tired, in pain, but I am on my way to get better! It always just gets better! Everything gets better! I believe in a good, faithful, just, huge, strong and generous God!

See ya!