Aug 7, 2010

Evening poem during my vacations


I don’t know it all and I don’t have all the answers… Have often thought, done and said the wrong things… Have often needed to apologize and revise things I once claimed were absolutes and indisputable… Would rather not judge or throw rocks at others. Care more about my friends now than before… Have sung, laughed and danced in my life, but wept even more. Just want to be humble…

I have convictions and a faith that I am prepared to die for. I love Jesus and want to make disciples. Need to pray and study the Bible more. Long for fasting, discipline and orders. Trust that God is in full control… I rest in His arms. My future is written in His hands. Just want to be humble…

Cold technical and professional people make me sad and discouraged… Courtesy in combination with superficiality and nervous faked laughter make me sick… Religion without heart is like wearying desert sun and a constant lack of water… I just want to be humble…

Longing for God! Am in love with Jesus! Need the Holy Spirit! Is fed up with myself… I am not as certain anymore… I still thirst for adventures, am still curious and still moving forward… I am spiritually hungry and want to worship! Just want to be humble…

See you!