Jul 25, 2010


I'm blogging directly from our Church Camp... Don't really knew when I felt a deeper feeling of contentment and more genuine happiness before in my life... Simple, but strong worship to a guitarr around the camp fire with smoke in our eyes. Work outs, swimming in the lake Mälaren, bbqs, beach volleyboll tournament and deep Bible conversations with wonderful church members... All languages, nationalities and cultures enjoy being together. Thank You Jesus for SOS Church!

It was a high price to follow the Spirit and give birth to this church downtown Stockholm, but now it feels like it was worth every accusation, allegation and glob... We have soon baptized 60 newly saved and the miracles keeps on coming! We have more than 25 nationalities in the church now and we are growing aggressivly on all fronts!

I love being a shepherd for this church and I am enjoying all the weddings, baptisms and newly saved! The Bible School's soon kick off! Apply now! We are soon having SOS Homecoming and One Year Anniversary with dad Reinhard Bonnke! I don't know how life could get any better!

See ya!