Jul 28, 2010

Bible Study with the Kids

We have just had our good friends, the Bestul family from Kristiansand, Norway here in Stockholm a couple of days... Seen the Old City, Skansen, the amusement park Gröna Lund... Yesterday after breakfast we had a Bible study around the kitchen table with all the kids - Sofie, Emma, Moses, Milo, Leon, Alicia and Adam... Awesome! The Bestul and Amritzer kids read aloud from both the Norwegian and Swedish Bible for the Zuniga kids and us adults... I lead the study on the topic; the baptism in the Holy Spirit and the four different ways of speaking in tongues in New Testament and the kids had such great and curious questions... The students (kids) took notes and didn't want to stop after 45 minutes... It is so wonderful with kids hunger and obvious strong faith!

Last night Maria and I planned for the month of August and payed our bills...

See ya!