Jul 5, 2010

At Home in Stockholm Again

Summer Stockholm...

I just landed in my kitchen in Tullinge again... Going to have a day off after an intense weekend of preaching, having tent meetings, praying for people and meeting different people... Precious people responded to the salvation invitations, several were baptized in the Holy Spirit and told of immidiate healings that took place in the different services - the gospel about Jesus is the best message in the world!

Today I'll run some errends, but hopefully also get a little rest before I fly to Oslo tomorrow. I'm precahing three services at the Norwegian Pentecostal summer conference, Hedmarktoppen on Wednesday... After that I fly to Copenhagen to speak at Evangelist's summer conference two days... Sunday I finally preach at home in SOS Church - oh I'm longing to hug our wonderful church again! It's been a pretty intense conference and festival summer! I'm actually going to both Finland and Norway for two more conferences before I take two weeks vacation in August...

Thank you Jesus for all the miracles! Thank you that I get to serve you! Thank you for the 18 years of full time ministry so far! I am happy!

See ya!