Feb 19, 2010

The Missionary and the Restoration of the Early Church!

I am taking a day of prayer and Bible study today at my mentor and spiritual dad Ron Johnson's home, in his and Sandy's new house in Orlando, FL... I am contemplating the mission and praying for SOS Church Stockholm and all out daughter churches...

Are you a missionary or a mission field? is a phrase that we use a lot in SOS... Every disciple of Jesus shares the same basic calling, Jesus Great Commission. We are called to all peoples (Matt 24:14, 28:19). Who has not had a chance to hear yet? Mission is not when we preach outside our borders but instead when we preach and make disciples where the gospel has never been preached (Rom 15:20)... Unreached peoples mission – what a beautiful concept!

Missionary, apostle, pioneer, or church planter are all words that describe the trail blazing ministry that we run with in SOS. We are so often misunderstood, humiliated, and degraded, yet we continue week after week, year after year... We continue to run with the holy calling from Jesus:

“The unreached peoples, the restoration of the early church in both life, pulse, as well as finally also geographically”...

When I was 19 years old the Holy Spirit called and spoke so clearly through dreams, visions, and strong prophetical confirmation. Maria and I, together with our faithful warriors still have the same vision, style and mission and we are not weary of it... Until the last people group has heard!

What is the Apostolic? I often receive this question... Why is this radical word so important? The answer would need to be summarized in several books... Here are some Biblical truths:

1) The pioneer that does not want to build on some one else's foundation. Rom 15:20
2)The expert builder that lays the foundation. 1 Cor 3:10-15
3) The steward of God's secrets (revelations). 1 Cor 4:1
4) Fools for Christ. 1 Cor 4:9-10
5) Fathers. 1 Cor 4:15
6) Free agents. 1 Cor 9:1-2
7) Slave to all. 1 Cor 9:19
8) An example to others. 1 Cor 11:1

But also a runner, worker, boxer, soldier, and a spectacle before both angels and men, all according to the Apostle Paul... Yes the calling is indeed a wonderful pain ;).

See ya!