I went on a flying visit to my home town Jönköping again for the second consequtive weekend... Precahed two services at Jönköping International Church, Friday and Saturday night that is... Many have been saved, we've sold a lot f my books and our festival cd God of Mircales is a hot item... Many youths are interested in SOS Mission Bible College - fun!
Many have been saved this weekend...
Krister and JoEllyn Leimola are such generous, warm, relaxed and folksy pastors, and I really believe that their church will grow very large! I love them from the bottom of my heart!
I'm driving back to Stockholm now with the SOS bus and my international team from SOS Church Stockholm - I'm preaching home at Kungsholmen at 4 pm! We'll welcome new members again! I love Sundays!
See ya!
See ya!