Again, we have people staying with us! Yes! Maria and I have always had people staying in our home. New believers that are in need of help, people that are struggling emontionally and need support, missionaries that are home for a short time, Bible College students as well as uncountable guests... We love it! We enjoy having an open home and lots of people around our kitchen table. At the moment the Zunigas are staying in our basement (a family of five) - simply wonderful! Walter, Linda and the sons have just returned from a five year term as missionaries in Bulgaria. What heroes! They have planted a church among the Pomac people (unreached with the Gospel until five years ago), established a Bible School and just begun to multiply themselves in the region... Now they will stay with us here in Tullinge for an undetermined time and as I mentioned earlier, we are enjoying ourselves like royalty! On January 3rd Walter and Linda will be ordained as the Senior Associate Pastors for SOS Church and they will be phased in to the work during 2010.

The Zuniga Family...
Life as a big family! Maria and Linda help each other with the kids and the chores around the house and Walter and I meet early in the morning for prayer and reading the Word, we exercise together, meet with disciples and build the church together...
Today SOS Mission Bible College is having their Christmas party and tomorrow night (Saturday) we will have our first Christmas show as a church at 6pm and then another one on Sunday at 4 pm! A three day celebration!
See Ya!
See Ya!