The Swede and immigrant is attacked brutally by Advent, Lucia and Christmas. The first attack has reached Stockholm, our nation's capital... Stress, shopping by guilt, hysteria and upset stomachs from all the "glögg" (Swedish Christmas cider) and gastritis from all the cookies and food - watch out friend ;). Lucia's blond hair will soon burn and Santa Claus will get stuck with his beard in the chimney if we're not careful ;)...
Have right priorities this Christmas, ok? We have all the positive alternatives you need in this stressed out season:
1) If you are planning on giving big, give a missions trip to Nepal or Tanzania to a family member or friend this Christmas! (Nepal in April and Tanzania in May).

Give a missions trip to someone this Christmas!
2) Buy the CD God of Miracles to all your friends this Christmas!
3) Invite non-Christian friends or collegues and seeker family members to SOS' Christmas Show in central Stockholm December 19-20!
4) Have homeless, immigrants, Muslims, Buddhists and Hindus over for Christmas eve or day!
5) Baptize in your tub, celebrate the Lord's Supper the days before New Years Eve, fast and pray and listen to what the Holy Spirit has to say about 2010!
Don't attend all the events you're invited to; Christmas concerts, craft evenings, lunches etc... Beware of all the Christmas food for many different good reasons ;). Beware of religious thinking that sneaks upon you in the traitorous light of burning candles... Everything that glimmers is not gold ;)...
The lonely and poor gypsy family in Haninge and Bagarmossen (suburbs in Stockholm) need you. Mohammed and Fatima usually don't celebrate Christmas - it could be their first together with you and your family!
See ya!