Home in town again - great... I preached the message The Holy Spirit - the Lord of the Harvest yesterday (Sunday), four people prayed a salvation prayer and many asked God for new boldness to continue leading people to Christ and disciple Stockholmers. We shared the vision that SOS just agreed upon; to take the Gospel message to 30 people groups in ten years. 30 people groups 2010-2020! Another woman signed up to be baptized and will be baptized in the Svärnedal family's house church ASAP... We welcomed about 10 new members, yes, the church is doing great! I am enjoying being home again...

Soon I'm getting on the Metro to Kungsholmen for a "Fittness Day" with SOS School of Leadership, we will train hard at the Sportlife gym at Odenplan after morning prayer.
Ps. My daugther Alicia played three games of hand ball yesterday morning, her team won two and she scored in the third game!
See ya!
See ya!