In His famous sermon on the mount, Jesus said:
By their fruit you will recognize them.
Matt 7:16a
Stop for a minute and ask yourself; -what kind of fruit does my life bear? What am I producing?
The fruit says something about
1) who you are, what kind of tree, ie your calling and identity. The fruit also says something about
2) the quality, ie bad or good fruit.
3) The fruit says something about the quantity - how much fruit do I bear?
2) the quality, ie bad or good fruit.
3) The fruit says something about the quantity - how much fruit do I bear?
The question needs to be asked now and then... Maria and I evaluate and analyze our lives two times every year. It's important to check with one another, dare to make changes, prune, water, fertilize and maybe even replant the tree sometimes.
-Who am I?
-Does my life have quality?
-Am I as effective as I can be?
-Does my life have quality?
-Am I as effective as I can be?
Jesus wants us to bear much fruit. Read John 15:1-16. Jesus wants us to be the best possible stewards of our talents (giftings, calling). Read Matt 15:14-30.

Concluding prayer;
Jesus - I love you!
Work with me. Change me.
I want to bear rich fruit for your kingdom!
Jesus - I love you!
Work with me. Change me.
I want to bear rich fruit for your kingdom!