I just finished preaching a whole week in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at Allison Park Church with some of my absolutely best friends, Jeff and Melodie Leake – great fun! Their church planting network is called MCM, with 15 churches of which 8 have been planted from the mother church, Allison Park Church. These daughter churches are all self sustaining, expanding and self governed churches. Allison Park Church will soon plant 2 new churches again, yes they have this aggressive and contagious pioneer attitude that we love so much in the SOS family... Many of our pastors and missionaries are regular guests at Jeff and Melodie's churches and we love to stay in their guest house and enjoy the fellowship with their people, the freedom and the joy that is present in their churches. Many newly saved and teaching that is sound and very practical with application points in daily life...
Every year Allison Park Church together with the MCM Network in Pittsburgh join us and hold a Signs & Wonders Festival among an unreached people group and stand with us in new church plants... We also run a school together (SOS and MCM) that produces unreached peoples missionaries and American church planters in every graduated class.

Melodie och Jeff Leake...
Pastor Jeff Leake will visit SOS Mission Bible College and SOS Church in Stockholm in the beginning of February next year! Pastor Jeff will teach for a week at our college, coach all our leaders in the church on a Saturday and then end up by preaching at our Sunday celebration! It will be “luxury treatment” for all of us at home in Stockholm!
This weekend we prayed with close to 60 people to salvation (48 are being follow-up) in both the mother church as well as one of the church plants that I visited for a service on Friday night. This morning around 20 people were baptized in the Holy Spirit and began to speak in new tongues at the end of the second service – Hallelujah! Many shared that they had been healed through words of knowledge – Jesus has been so close!
This Saturday I had the privilege together with Pastor Jeff to teach 250 leaders from Allison Park and the church plants on how to flow in the gifts of the Spirit – We tag team taught. Yes... we so enjoy being together!
Tomorrow Monday I will enjoy a day off and then I will continue to teach at the Ministry School on Tuesday and Wednesday. After that I fly home to Stockholm, my family and the church on Thursday...
See ya!