Yesterday, October 5th marked the day 19 years ago when me and Maria became a couple! Yes you read right – almost twenty years together that is. On a sidewalk in the dusk of fall on our way home to Maria's parents from the small chapel building we kissed for the first time. :) The memory fills my chest with warmth. We have now been married for over 15 years already and engaged more than 17!
Maria is still my “girl”,great love and now also mother to our wonderful children – it just gets better and better as time goes by...
Here are ten tips for a happy marriage:
1) Always have a Bible on the kitchen table or in the window in the kitchen. Close for spontaneous on the run ten minute devotions with Jesus as a couple and family... In the midst of daily life, among the crumbs, coffee and leftovers...
2) Make it a habit to always pray n the car together every time you go for a drive, even if it is just down the road...
3) Live the same life and not one each. The same vision, dreams and plans.
4) Never stop kissing, cuddling and touching each other spontaneously during daily life.
5) Be a good listener, honestly interested of the other's work, thoughts and interests.
6) Compliment each other and be proud over your partner in front of others.
7) Surprise, kill dead routines and forbid routine in every life situation – chock your partner at times!
8) Lavish the other, and allow your partner to actually spend on shopping, hunting or other interest.:)
9) Make sure you have life changing experiences together – the festival trip, the Bible College years and the dream vacation.
10) Never stop having fun with each other and laugh together!
See Ya!