Who cares about that 10 million children are captured in the global sex industry?

-Who cares about that 40 million people in the world are suffering and trying to get by because they are infected by the HIV virus and has Aids?
-Who cares about that 46 million babies are aborted every year (126,000 every day)?
-Who cares about the 11 million people that are right now on the run from their homes, trying to escape the terror of war and persecution?

-Who cares about the 70 million people that are struggling with eating dissorders right now?
-Who cares about the 9 million people that die of starvation every year?

-Who cares about that 150 million women are suffering because of brutal genital mutilation, and further that 2 million girls are mutilated every year?
-Who cares about that there are 27 million slaves in the world 2009?
Trafficking, rapes,the continuesly growing porn industry, drug abuse and incests... Rasism and xenophobia.
The church need to start devoting itself to, and start focusing the big and engaging questions in the global society. We need to show real empathy and decisiveness in society instead of another panel and internal discussion. The world is crying out, is sinking, is lost in its sin and diseases while the church is fully occupied with inhouse, "belly button focus" and questions. We need a new generation and Christian culture revolution that rises up in Spirit and truth now!
The gospel of Jesus and the Holy Spirit changes lives! Just have the right focus!
See ya!