My head is going in circles after several days of intense chasing the moose that would not be found... But we still had some good dividends at the end, given that the hunting results were of a different sort all together. I was able to lead my dog driver, 28 year old Samule, to faith in Jesus, we prayed the sinners prayer together already at the end of day one! Samuel - welcome to the Kingdom of God, now Jesus will be with you both in your heart and in the forest!
I was also able to help two newly saved Latvian berry pickers to the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Three weeks earlier Per and Carmelina Adeström had led them in a salvation prayer. This couple were also our hosts and had invited us for this adventure. Before the evening was over the two berry pickers were speaking in new tongues. Besides this, there have been many stories told, and we have both laughed and cried together... A three day mini vacation has come to its end. There is nothing like smokey camp fires, coffee on a thermos and real "manly fellowship"!

This weekend I will be preaching at Bethel in Tronheim, Norway. Am looking forward to this. We be great to get to know their new pastor, Frank Erlandsen.
See Ya!