We don't want to build anything flashy, hip or cool. We want to build warmth, closeness and genereous fellowship. Evangelisation, discipling and a simple life style are beautiful code words, so is prayer, fasting, spiritual warfare and disciplin. We would rather spend our money on another festival trip than a skiing trip in the French Alps. We're not ashamed that we've chosen not to focus on our careers or western comfort, and sometimes even education for a totally different life... Why of course, it is sometimes possible to combine thourough education with an outgiving missionary and disciple life, but a job that demands everything might not be so easy to live with when your heart is on fire for the Great Commission... Relationships with seekers and new believers must be able to take your time.
This summer SOS Church will be focusing:
1) House Churches - evangelism and discipleship training...
2) The renovation - the premesis for the celebration services, Bible College and administration of our church...
3) Recruiting - new missionary candidates and workers...
4) Rest and recuperation...
August 26th, 29th, and 30th are three holy dates that are coming up fast! We will all then need our energy boosted so that we can explode and create a momentum for this fall, where we want to baptize every weekend! God, give us the multicultural, multiethnical Stockholm!
- On August 26th the Bible College reopens; both year 1 and 2! Have you applied?!
- On August 29th we launch SOS Church at Nalen, down town Stockholm - will we see you there when we celebrate?
- On August 30th we will release our festival CD during a release concert, also at Nalen - book this Sunday evening now!

Now I need to call a new Iraqi friend and see if he wants to join me and my family for a cook out at the Willkanders in Märsta tonight... SOS Church will meet there in a little while, it begins at 6pm!
See Ya!