My father in law came up and stayed with us this weekend and we have spoken about people from both Maria's and my childhood that I had forgotten existed... Great fun and different topics than usual. This past Saturday, my friend Omid and I strolled around Lidingö and had a cup of coffee at a very cozy café in the woods, there was a wedding feast in the other end of the café and the early Swedish summer was so green and beautiful... We got lost in deep conversations on prayer, the Law of the Spirit of Life, fatalism/belief in destiny versus Bible faith and much more. Omid is a smart guy as well as a hungry and curious new disciple of Jesus... His faith is growing like crazy and now the answers to prayer along with the desires before God are beginning to rain over his head in a fast pace. We both agree that the God of the Bible is so loving, forgiving, and good!
On our way home we met a large buck, only 75 feet away. I visualized how I shot it and talked about the perfect shot hitting the area where the neck transitions into the body and Omid reacted as the artist and aestetic he is with disgust and peculiar question; Is he not beautiful to watch alive?! Laughter, culture clash when the hunter and the aestetic go for a stroll togeteher in the woods (among other things Omid teaches dance at the Balett Academy in Stockholm:)).
Yesterday, (Sunday) on the commuter train towards down town Stockholm I found myself in a cultural mixture. I sat with two Ethiopians, three Lebanese and a Syrian and they were all talking religion in vivid broken English – what fun! The conversation in short: Hizbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, terror, the Middle East conflict, hatred meets hatred and then also love, forgiveness and finally Jesus... Great! I love Stockholm, and this city is wide open and so hungry for God...
Downtown I met a couple for marriage counseling. We met at a café and then went to SOS Church together to our "restaurant-service" in Vasastan. It was a great session with the couple – VICTORY – for the marriage and the service at Mai Thai was so wonderful! Many new faces. Both seekers and newly saved people showed up. Pastor Emma Gustafsson was host, Pastor Daniel Elvelyck led the first funeral oration (for SOS Church) where we honored the memory of young Victoria, who recently went home to Jesus! Linnea Hagenfors sang – I love it! I preached short and several were saved!
After the service Maria, the kids and my father in law went straight home in the car, while Omid and I took an evening stoll along Strandvägen looking at all the boats... I was treated with ice cream and coffee... The subway and then the commuter train home – another conversation – Stockholm – I love you!
See Ya!