Jun 24, 2009

A visit to the Dentist, Picnic and Detroit...

Today I had a dentist appointment for the first time in 17 years and I did not have one single cavity... Only an old “tooth reparation” that was broken... So it seems as if the missionary life is not that bad after all :)...

Yesterday Maria, the kids and I joined the Allens for a picnic. We had a bar-b-q, threw some frisbee, American football, checked out who could swing the highest and flew a kite... Cullen and Shelley are such wonderful people and great to hang out with!


We are preparing to drive up to Detroit this weekend for some more preaching engagements. Pastor Brad Leach, whom we will be visiting has just become a dad, they just had a baby girl. Congratulations to your little treasure, Brad and Leah!!

I am longing so for my little church plant in Stockholm and all the wonderful people there... You will join us for our church proclamation on August 29th at Nalen, won't you? The day after we will host a release concert for SOS Church first music production. It will be awesome! Hope to see you there!

See ya!