I have just preached in Vennesla Filadelfia Church in Norway and about ten people ran to the front and prayed a salvation prayer! About 15 youths were baptized in the Holy Spirit and started speaking in tongues for the first time in their lives... Tonight my message was all about the Holy Spirit and that He wants to be your best friend... I love to speak, teach and preach about the Holy Spirit, and to lead people to the baptism in the Holy Spirit is, and will always be, a favorite!
When I arrived at Kjevik Airport in Kristiansand I realized that my luggage was left in Oslo... Yea, yea... It's ok... A happy Pastor Gunnar picked me up and all the way to Vennelsa we talked about different boxers and skiers - fun! Gunnar and I went to Rimi (grocery store) and bought some food and then I checked in at the "Evangelist apartment" at Filadelfia... I like Gunnar, he's a warrior and a faithful friend... God is good!
See ya!