Today as I was meditating upon the first chapter in the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Ephesians and prayed to my God at home in my kitchen table in Tullinge, the Holy Spirit spoke… He said: “Now I’m calling the international evangelists!” That’s how it is, we can see it already, the Persians, the Syrians and the Americans are applying to our bible school, beginning in August… God is calling his people for an international church planting in Stockholm! God has lit a new star in the church heaven of Stockholm. People come to lay down their gifts and celebrate Jesus, just like the wise men from the East once did, two thousand years ago.
We will proclaim the church in the late summer, or August 29th to be exact! August 26th SOS Missions Bible College will have its fresh start and in the middle of Stockholm City in our new premises in Kungsholmen! Today I got a bit more than 50 000 SEK from a business man, for a portable baptism pool that we’ve been praying for, thank you dad! Just recently I got 16 000 SEK for musical instruments from one of our partner-churches, thank you God! Gold, frankincense and myrrh!