May 20, 2009

Early Summer in Stockholm!

This morning at 6:52 AM I took the Metro train from Tullinge to Central Station in Stockholm and then the subway to Karlaplan Östermalm... It's early summer in Stockholm with sheer green colors and the fountains glittering in the morning sun in the parks... Wonderful! I worked out at the gym Garnisonen with my personal trainer Omid between 7:45 and 9 AM. He was tough on me today - I love it - death to laziness! I sat on a park bench by a huge fountain afterwards, still in my sweats, and "after sweated," and ate breakfast in the morning sun... Ham and cheese sandwich, blueberry yoghurt and a bottle of water - terrific! I had time to read through the book of Esther and pray for Harvest Cry that starts on Friday! God was so close on the park bench after the work out!

We're charging for festival now! Everything is about Harvest Cry at Nalen this weekend... My thoughts are there all the time. We're inviting friends that are seekers to creative shows where we present a positive Jesus gospel, and they promise to come... We're planning, making power points, choosing film clips, making run sheets... Once team is practising dance, the festival band is practising, outreaches are prepared and follow up material is organised and ordered etc... Festival - so fun!

I read in Metro (lokal newspaper in Stockholm) today that "More Avalaible Apartments in Stockholm"... There is a 30% increase of avaliable apartments than last year at the same time... That's so great for all you blog readers that are considering applying to SOS Mission Bible College this fall and need to find some place to stay fast! Search for housing offices on Google! Or e-mail if you want to rent a room at one of our wonderful families at the church! This fall the adventure starts for us and many new students when we proclaim SOS Church together August 29th! We'll be pioneers and church planters right away!

Salvation prayer in Thai Khon Kaen...

Now I'll have a newly saved couple here for marriage talk/guidance and then I'm heading for a meeting with the Pastoral Team at 8 PM... Have to run...

See ya soon again!