Mar 22, 2009

My Darling Totally Surprised Me!

We prayed with about 30 precious people to salvation in Bulgaria and about 40 were baptized in the Holy Spirit and started to speak in tongues! We’ve done our first teaching conference in our mother church, Signs and Wonders Church on Balkan! I so enjoy being together with the Zuniga family and the team in Velingrad!

Yesterday I landed very late in Pittsburgh, I flew from Sofia, via Munich and then to Chicago and finally Pittsburgh… A long trip, but I bought a very good "Konsalik" novel (Heinz G Konsalik is a German author that I’ve read a lot of since my teens…) in Vienna on my way to Sofia on Monday… I disappeared into an exciting "novel world" and slept an hour or so as well… I fly every week, but still love it… I eat, see new movies, read, work, talk to new nice acquaintances and sleep… To fly is great and over all faster than train, boat and car ;).

My Maria stood waiting for me at the airport in Pittsburgh when I arrived! Totally surprised! Our own Nina Anderson had bought my wife a ticket and is babysitting our kids this week! Thank you Nina! I was so happy and was totally fooled by my coworkers who lied so well when I called yesterday trying to find out where Maria was… I am so happy! Maria has soon been my girl for 19 years… We became a couple in the beginning of October 1990, got engaged on New Year’s Eve 92 and married 94! She is wonderful!

Tonight I preach at my friend, Jeff Leake’s church, Allison Park Church and at two services tomorrow! Thank you Jesus for life, family and friends!

See ya!