Mar 14, 2009

Christian Center West and Pastor Thomas Jonsson

Yesterday I preached for a full church and about 10 people wanted heaven's forgiveness and salvation, hallelujah! Today I've done TV with Pastor Thomas. His show is called "Come to God" and is shown at Channel 10 regularly. The theme of this entire day and show was "To Win One for Jesus." Tonight and tomorrow I preach and teach "Priest for those that don't go to Church," it'll be fun! I like Thomas and believe that Christian Center West will succéed and become very large with time, there is great potential for that!

Tomorrow at SOS Church in Stockholm Daniel Elvelyck will be preaching, and they are planning on having Ethiopian music... If you live in Stockholm and have the opportunity, don't miss the party at Saltmätargatan 19 tomorrow afternoon at 4 pm! Life with Jesus is great!

See ya!