Oct 2, 2013

The Lebanese Bride!

Listening to the Lebanese singer Diana Hadad, preparing for tonight. I am meeting my Lebanese Christian friend Charbel, we'll eat Arabic food...

Come with me from Lebanon, my bride,
    come with me from Lebanon.
Song of Songs 4:8a

Jesus is the groom and the church the bride, a known Biblical theme. In the so poetic and languished love-poem Song of Songs in the Old Testament, the groom is calling his bride. He is calling her from Lebanon.


This January we are sending our pastors couple Anna and Jonatan Kvist with a pioneer team to plant SOS Church Beirut. It smells like the book of Acts! It is time for the restoration of the first church, both spiritually, physically and geographically! Jesus is the Alpha and Omega, beginning and the end. He made His debut in the Middle East and He will have a great comeback! Jesus is calling His beloved bride! Jesus is speaking gently with His Lebanese Arabic relative... When Jesus returns to bring His bride home, the Arabs of Lebanon will run right into His arms!

He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.”
Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.
Rev 22:20

See ya!