Oct 7, 2012

Celebrate Life!

At times, life is tough. The truth is that there are times when it seems so dark that  we seem to see no other way out than to end this so precious gift of life. Life does not always seem fair but instead it is often cynical, watered down and raw - and you then seem to be the target of all evil…
My friend, let me be the one to tell you that there are thousands of reasons to live… There is light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes our feet need to hit the bottom in order for us to be able to shoot off towards the surface and the sun light again. Not sure why, but perspective makes us more thankful, humble and wise. If we have not stared down death we do not treasure life or we end up living halfheartedly. Near death experiences and the deepest darkness often lead to true life. Jesus bled, died and then He rose in light and power! He conquered death and hopelessness! As we surrender and give in, something new begins - a new era. We can die to the old, ourselves, and begin to live for real, for others! Jesus is the Life! The Spirit of Life pulsates within the church - His body on earth today!
Tomorrow we will celebrate life at SOS Church Stockholm and will have a party at Polstjärnan at 4pm! (Get off the subway at Odenplan, the address is Sveavägen 77. It is at the intersection of Sveavägen and Odengatan. Click here for a map!). The celebration or service (whatever you want to call it) will fill you with hope… At around 6 pm you will re-enter the streets perhaps a little dizzy but also hopefully filled with faith in the future… There will be lots of energy, joy and we might even wipe away some tears of thankfulness. We survived! We are now living x 2!

See you soon!