The church we planted not even two years ago in Stockholm (SOS Church will be 2 years August 28th) have become the greatest joy in my life! Festivals among the unreached people groups, the authorship and coaching leaders are my strongest "branches" as a preacher, i.e what I still do and know the best. Have done this since June 1991, but I have to be honest and say that I love being a pastor more... Hard to admit it, but that's a fact. Pre-marriage counseling, weddings, funerals, home visits and counseling is great! I am enjoying being a priest for Stockholm and pastor at SOS on Kungsholmen! Yesterday Moses was baptized in the Holy Spirit in our house church and started speaking in tongues for the first time in his life - he is free from drugs now and baptized in water since two months back :)!
We have baptized more than 100 people since the church was planted in the city now! We have more than 40 different nationalities in the church and the atmosphere is amazing! All our members make at least one disciple per year, leads him to salvation, baptism in water and the Spirit! If they don't they become stagnant and need to start following Jesus again ;).
I preached at home today :) and I fly out to Tanzania tomorrow to visit good friends, pray and seek God for a week. Fantastic that the the Swedish Social Insurance Administration granted me a trip overseas during my sick leave... It's 90 degrees F today and 82 in our pool :). Had a Bible study with the family, training my injured knee and ariting on my book... Can life be any better?!
God is sooo good!
See ya!
See ya!