My American friend since many years, Pastor Chris Gilkey, will join us for our Kick Off Celebration August 28th at SOS Church! Chris and his wife Melissa leads Reach Church in Austin TX, and its growing like crazy! Chris is a former Marine and have worked as Youth Pastor in three of America's mega churches with 12,000, 4,000 and 6,000 members. Chris is a groundbreaking Apostle and a "one with the people" evangelistic Pastor! He is is also the one of my pastor friends with the biggest biceps and that once lifted 441 lbs in bench press!
Our Kick Off starts at noon with a leadership gathering until 2 pm. Our House Church Pastor, Emma Gustafsson will speak then... We'll take a break between 2 - 4 pm. At 4 pm celebration starts and we'll get to our sub target for the second part of 2011. Chris will preach to us! After coffee and fellowship there will be a short vision meeting for our members at 7 pm - SOS Next Step! Be prepared for a full day with your church! Chris is the "muscle package" and a tinderbox you just cannot miss!
See ya!
See ya!