Monday was my day off, haven't had one in quite some time actually. I usually succeed at prioritizing my day of rest but haven't really been able to do that these last couple of weeks and I'm paying for it now with coughing, fever and common grumpyness ;). It never works to break the third commandment - God knew this and gave us the day of rest as a great gift. Well, well... I did some boxing and then some strength training, played cards and chess before lunch... Went to the movies with my son Adam and saw Pirates of the Caribbean - 4, so fun ;)! What a great and relaxing day it was!

There are some principles, or a lifestyle-guide that I try to live by in order to live long. After 22 years as a disciple I've "cooked it down" to three points...

1) A strong inner life (prayer, worship, Bible reading, fasting and Spiritual studies).
2) A strong outgiving and extroverted life (fellowship with seekers, discipleship training with new believers every week and regular mission trips).
3) A sound life (days off, regular physical training, dating my Maria, fun and creative fellowship with the kids, playing cards, BBQ's, laughing with friends, but also hunting, fishing, motor cycle rides etc).

No... I have to stop blogging now and start working on the Vision Meeting; SOS Church Next Step that will take place this Saturday and also this Sunday's message...
Ps. Aren't you gonna attend SOS Mission Bible College this fall?! Apply here and now!
See ya!